OMA’s comprehensive strategy to rebuild the New Jersey city of Hoboken, after the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, has been selected as one of ten initiatives moving forward in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Rebuild by Design competition. The proposal, Resist, Delay, Store, Discharge, focuses on establishing resiliency through the integration of key infrastructural elements that not only protects coastal neighborhoods, but also the entire city of Hoboken.
As OMA’s describes, “Hoboken is susceptible to both flash flood and storm surge. Our project capitalizes on a combination of political, ecological, and economic factors to create a comprehensive flood strategy – resist, delay, store, discharge – that both defends the entire city, and enables commercial, civic, and recreational amenities to take shape.
“Our comprehensive strategy deploys both hard infrastructure and soft landscape for coastal defense (resist); recommends policies to enable the urban fabric to slow down water (delay); a green circuit to trap water (store) and water pumps to support drainage (discharge).”
Partner In Charge
Shohei ShigematsuProject Manager
Daniel PittmanDesign Team
Isaiah Miller, Stephen Clipp, Cyrus Penarroyo, Matthew Davis, Filippo Nanni, Maria SaavedraClient
US Department of Housing and Urban Development; Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task ForceWater Management, Engineering
Royal HaskoningDHVLandscape, Land-use Planning
Balmori AssociatesEconomic Consultant
Hurricane Sandy-Affected Regions along the Atlantic CoastStatus
Research Phase Completed Oct 2013; Phase IIProject Year
Courtesy of OMA
A sneak peak of the other 9, shortlisted proposals can be found here.